1) If __________ (send) the report yesterday I _________(prepare) the presentation. a) have sent, would prepare b) had sent, would have prepared c) sent, would prepare 2) If you ___________ (change) the colors, it _________ (look) much better. I guess it will be the best idea. (soft advice) a) will change, looks b) change, will look c) could change, would 3) _________ (be) it better, if you _________ (start) with mentorship program? a) Isn't, will start b) Wouldn't be, started c) Is, would start 4) As soon as __________ (know) the answer, I ______(write) it to the client. a) knew, would write b) know, will write c) had known, would have sent 5) (At retrospective) If we had used Agile instead of Kandan we ________ (be able to) be more flexible at our last sprint.. a) would have been able b) will be able c) would had been able 6) If you _______(can) find time to participate in the training, it _______ (be) beneficial for the whole team. We will use this tool in the future. (SOFT ADVICE) a) could find, will be b) could found, would be c) could find, would be d) could have found, would have used 7) If ______ (press) this button a new page _________ (appear). a) press, appears b) would press, appeared c) press, would appear
Conditionals 0, 1, 2, 3 (feedback)
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