A wonderful book. So moving that it brought tears to my eyes. - producing strong emotion, especially sadness or sympathy.(SYN: heart-warming, touching), A thought-provoking novel that raised many interesting questions. - making people think seriously about a particular subject (SYN: Stimulating, provocative), Rather heavy-going. I had to make an effort to finish it. - difficult or boring to deal with (SYN: boring, dull), A gripping story. I was hooked from the very first page. - firmly holding the attention or interest; exciting.SYN: Riveting, enthralling, absorbing), A light but entertaining novel, perfect for that beach holiday! - providing amusement or enjoyment. (SYN: delightful, pleasant, comical), The plot was intriguing. It was impossible to predict how it would end. - arousing one's curiosity or interest. (SYN: fascinating)., The characters were totally implausible. I couldn't take any of them seriously. - not seeming reasonable or probable; failing to convince.SYN: Unlikely; improbable, far-fetched), A fast-moving story which jumps from past to present and back again at breakneck speed. - rapid in movement, action, or progress (SYN: Fast-paced), A well-written novel, but so depressing it made me feel almost suicidal. - making you feel unhappy and without hope for the future (SYN: painful, heartbreaking), A haunting tale which stayed with me longer after I'd finished reading it. - poignant; evocative (SYN: affecting), The story is a page-turner; the details are gripping; the horror, well, it's horrifying - a book that is so exciting that you want to read it quickly:, It was a dismal failure from the beginning until the end. - pitifully or disgracefully bad (SYN: Dreadful, disgraceful), There is a mixture of sadness and evocative scenes of life in the face of danger. - Something that arousesbringing strong images, memories, or feelings to mind.(SYN: Reminiscent), This is a compelling tale of mystery, love and betrayal. - evoking interest, attention, or admiration in a powerfully irresistible way (SYN: Riveting, enthralling, captivating), A macabre account of an unsolved murder that tears the village apart. - Often cruel and disgusting, concerned with death (SYN: morbid), The novel published in 1950 was ahead of its time. It addressed taboo issues from the very first page. - It contains ideas that no one else had yet thought or discussed at that time. (SYN: revolutionary, futuristic),
Adjectives to describe books - New English File Advanced Unit 3B
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