Protein : these give our bodies long-lasting energy, and help build and repair muscles and bones: tofu, beef, chicken, fish, nuts/seeds/beans, eggs, Fruit : the part of a plant that bears a seed and are high in fiber and complex carbohydrates: lychee, tomato, peach, banana, avocado, cherry, Vegetables : the root, leaf, stem, or flower of a plant, which provides us with lots of fiber: leeks, sweet potatoes, beets, artichoke, cabbage, cauliflower, Grains : foods made from any member of the cereal grass family, such as wheat, barley, oats, corn, and rye: crackers, pasta, pretzels, popcorn, cereal, pita/tortilla, Dairy : a type of food produced from or containing the milk of mammals, usually cattle, goat, and sheep: half and half, sour cream, butter, milk, cheese, yogurt, Fats : In moderation, this helps the body absorb vitamin A, vitamin D and vitamin E, but too much is bad for your heart: oil, french fries, potato chips, fried foods, processed meat, Sugars : A sweet treat that provides quick energy to the body by raising the blood glucose level: chocolate bars, cake, candy, cookies, donuts,
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