1) extremely restless; can't sit still a) Shake a leg b) Cost an arm and a leg c) Ants in your pants d) Chip off the old block 2) to hurry up; to speed up a) On cloud nine b) Shake a leg c) Ants in your pants d) Chip off the old block 3) to annoy or irritate someone a) Cost an arm and a leg b) Rub the wrong way c) Bug off d) Live high off the hog 4) very happy, joyous, peaceful a) Live high off the hog b) Hit the books c) Wet behind the ears d) On cloud nine 5) to have an expensive lifestyle a) Shake a leg b) Live high off the hog c) Spill the beans d) Ants in your pants 6) to go away and leave somebody alone a) Tickled pink b) Bug off c) On cloud nine d) Rub the wrong way 7) a child who looks or acts just like a parent a) Chip off the old block b) Tickled pink c) Live high off the hog d) Spill the beans 8) very expensive and high priced a) Spill the beans b) Tickled pink c) Live high off the hog d) Cost an arm and a leg 9) inexperienced and young a) Rub the wrong way b) Hit the books c) Chip off the old block d) Wet behind the ears 10) to give away a secret a) Live high off the hog b) Cost an arm and a leg c) Wet behind the ears d) Spill the beans 11) to study very hard a) Live high off the hog b) Spill the beans c) Hit the books d) Rub the wrong way 12) delighted; very happy a) Tickled pink b) Wet behind the ears c) Bug off d) Cost an arm and a leg

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