insertion, origin, & belly - Parts of a muscle, Mandible - Largest bone of the face, lower jaw bone, Phalanges - Bones of the fingers and toes, The bone of the wrist - carpus, The study of the functions and activities performed by the body's structures - Physiology, The study of the human body structures that can be seen with the naked eye and how the body parts are organized - Anatomy , The heavy, long bone that forms the leg above the knee is known as the - Femur, The front portion of the epicranius is the - Frontalis, Muscles represent about how much of the body's total weight? - 40, The study of the structure, functions, and diseases of the muscles is called - Myology, The bone that forms the sides and top of the cranium are called - Parietal, What bone forms the forehead? - Frontal, How many bones make up the cranium? - 8, The stomach and intestines are part of what system? - Digestive system, Another name for the integumentary system is - Skin, Carries impulses or messages to brain, where sensation of touch, cold, heat, taste, smell are experienced. - Sensory nerves , The process by which cells reproduce by dividing into two identical cells called daughter cells is known as - Mitosis, Tissue that binds together, protects, and supports various parts of the is - Connective , The protective covering on body surfaces, such as the skin, mucous membranes, or linings of the heart, digestive and respiratory organs, and glands is - Epithelial tissue, carries impulses from brain to the muscles or glands - motor nerves ,
Anatomy and Physiology
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