1) How did Jesus respond to the Pharisees and Sadducees' test? a) You cannot interpret the signs of the times. b) Called them a wicked and adulterous generation. c) No sign will be given except the sign of Jonah. d) He provided another sign. 2) How did Jesus respond to the disciples' discussion? a) He shook His head and ignored them. b) He said they had little faith and still did not understand Him. c) He reminded them of the miraculous feeding of the 4000 and5000 d) He said they were no better than the Pharisees and Sadducees. e) He told them He brought the bread. 3) What did Jesus really mean when talking about yeast? a) He was talking about the yeast used in bread. b) He was talking against the teaching of the Pharisees and Sadducees. c) He was talking about their faith. 4) How did the disciples answer Jesus' first question? a) Some say John the Baptist. b) Some say Elijah. c) Some say Jeremiah. d) Some say one of the prophets. e) Some say Christ, the Son of the living God. 5) How did Peter answer the second question? a) You are my Lord and Savior. b) You are Christ, the Son of the living God. c) You are the Son of Man. 6) What did Jesus say would happen to Him? a) He would suffer, be killed, and be raised to live. b) He would move to another country to be safe. c) He would spread the Gospel to the Gentiles. 7) What did Peter say to Jesus in response to His prediction of His own death? a) "This is God's good plan." b) "This shall never happen to you!" c) "Take me with you." 8) Who was at work when Peter made his statement about Jesus being killed? a) Satan b) Matthew c) God d) Pharisees and Sadducees 9) What was Jesus' response to Peter's words? a) "Get behind me, Satan!" b) "You are a stumbling block to me." c) "You do not have in mind the things of God, but the things of men." d) You shall defeat the Romans and become king. 10) What did Jesus tell His followers about their life? a) "Whoever wants to save his life will lose it." b) "Whoever loses his life for me will find it." c) "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself." d) "Your life will be comfortable." e) "You will become rich." 11) What does Jesus promise His followers when He comes back in glory? a) "He will reward each person according to what he has done." b) "You will reign with me in glory." c) "I will send angels to watch over you."


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