Weight Line - Visual line in the haircut where the ends of the hair hang together., Uniform Layers - Hair is elevated to 90 degrees from the scalp and cut at the same length., Traveling Guideline - Also known as movable guideline: Guideline that moves as the haircutting processes, used often when creating layers or graduation., Stationary Guideline - Guideline that does not move., Section - To divide the hair by parting into uniform working areas for control. , Reference Points - Points on the head that mark where the surface of the head changes or the behavior of the hair changes, such as ears, jawline, occipital bone, apex, and so on:, Pivoting - Rotates from a central point: Also referred to as pie shape sections, used for layering and graduating., Perimeter - Outer line of the hairstyle., Occipital Bone - Bone that protudes at the base of the skull., Nape - Back part of the neck; the hair below the occipital bone. , Layers - Create movement and volume in the hair by releasing weight., Guideline - Also known as guide; Section of the hair, located either at the perimeter or the interior of the cut, which determines the length the hair will be cut., Graduation - Elevation that occurs when a section is lifted above 0 degrees., Elevation - Also known as projection or lifting; the degree at which a subsection of hair is held, or lifted, from the head when cutting., Crown - Area of the head between the apex and back of the parietal ridge.,
Chapter 16
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