sight - With Peter and Constance, it was a case of love at first_____, in - My parents are letting me stay up late to ring ___ the new year with them., cracking - She's never serious. She's always _____ jokes., mind - I'm sorry I didn't call you back sooner, it totally slipped my ______, like - I've read this book so many times, I know it ____ the back of my hand., late - After two weeks, I finally got a return phone call from that company. Better ____ than never, I guess., long - You had better think ____ and hard before you say your next words, start - I want to forget what happened and ___ with a clean slate., flying - Samantha was rather nervous taking her final exam, but she passed with____ colors!, moon - Once in a blue ____, I buy a fashion magazine, just to see what people are wearing., final - If you forget about my birthday one more time, that will be the ___straw!, bush - Don't beat around the ___—just tell me the truth., two - John learned the words to his part in the play while peeling potatoes. He was killing __ birds with one stone, cake - Glad to help. It was a piece of ____.,
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