1) Divide and read this word, then choose which rules it follows: "common" a) flu b) happy c) texas blossom d) cry baby 2) Divide and read this word, then choose which rules it follows: "spicy" a) cry baby b) act c) fancy nancy d) milk truck 3) Which words use the Picnic-Chicken-Basket rule? a) basket b) catch c) blank d) jacket e) cactus f) trick 4) If you tap syllables, and you hear a short vowel at the end of a syllable, and no sound closing off the vowel, what do you do? a) do a handstand b) double the next sound you can hear c) try C, then CK, then K d) go on a walk e) double the f, l, s, or z 5) If you hear a /k/ sound in the middle of a word, what order do you try for spelling /k/? a) C, CK, K b) K, CK, C c) CK, K, C 6) When is the only time you use -CK? a) after a vowel b) after a long vowel c) after a short vowel 7) Any word that ends in a vowel-L, goes to what sound? a) schwa b) long u c) short e 8) Which words follow the Cancel Pencil rule? a) legal b) regal c) fossil d) tunnel e) ball f) signal 9) If you hear /ch/ at the end of a word, what are two ways to spell it? a) ch, sh b) ch, tch c) ckh, tck 10) When is the only time you use -tch? a) after a schwa b) after a vowel c) after a short vowel 11) Which words follow the Almost All rule? a) tall b) also c) salt d) call e) stall f) bell 12) If a word has one letter between the vowels, what is the most common way to divide it? a) move the letter to the last syllable b) move the letter to the first syllable 13) If a word has two letters between the vowels, you split it down the middle unless: a) there's a watch out vowel b) there's a unit, digraph, or rotten letter (R or L) c) there's a cat on your lap 14) The "Kiss the Cat" rule says, "Use a ____ whenever you can," to spell /k/ a) K b) C c) CK d) Z e) L f) CH 15) Which of these words have a schwa? a) risky b) ribbon c) rival d) runt e) rental f) relax 16) How many syllables can be accented (stressed) in a word? a) only 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) up to 100
Which Spelling Rule(s)? (covering rules up to Barton lesson 4.6 - schwa)
Barton Reading
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