beau's line - Sometimes called furrows or corrugations; visible depressions running across the width of the natural nail plate., blue fingernails - Named for the nail bed color; is usually caused by a lack of circulating oxygen in the red blood cells., bruised nail beds - Condition in which a blood clot forms under the nail plate, causing a dark purplish spot. These discolorations are usually due to small injuries to the nail bed., discolored nails - Nails turn a variety of colors; may indicate surface staining, a systemic disorder, or poor blood ciruclation., eggshell nails - Noticeably thin, white nail plates that are more flexible than normal and can curve over the free edge., hangnail - A condition in which the living tissue surrounding that nail plate splits or tears., koilonychia - Soft spoon nails with a concave shape that appear scooped out., leukonychia spots - Also known as white spots; whitish discolorations of the nails, usually caused by injury to the matrix area: not related to the body's health or vitamin deficiencies., melanonychia - Darkening of the fingernails or toenails; may be seen as a black band within the nail plate, extending from the base to the free edge., nail disorder - Condition caused by an injury or disease of the nail unit., nail psoriasis - A noninfectious condition that affects the surface of the natural nail plate causing tiny pits or severe roughness on the surface of the nail plate., nail pterygium - Abnormal condition that occurs when the skin is stretched by the nail plate; usually caused by serious injury, such as burns, or an adverse skin reaction to chemical nail enhancement products., onychauxis - Thickening of nails., onychia - Inflammation of the nail matrix followed by shedding of the natural nail., onychocryptosis - Also known as ingrown nails; nail grows into the sides of the tissue around the nail.,
Chapter 10 Nail Disorders and Disease
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