airline - The company that owns the plane , baggage / luggage - bags or suitcases, baggage claim - the place where passengers pick up their bags after the plane lands , boarding time - the time that passengers are allowed to get on the plane , Customs - The place in the airport where bags are checked before you are allowed to enter a country , Passport - an offical document that proves a person`s citzenship, Runway - A strip of smooth ground where an airplane takes off and lands , Captain - The person who flies the plane and is in charge of the plane , overhead bin - a place to store carry-on bags above the passengers seats , arrivals - the time planes arrive at the airport, boarding pass - a ticket that gives permission to board the plane, carry-on / hand luggage / cabin baggage - bags that passengers bring on the plane , departures - the time planes leave the airport , gate - the place where passengers wait to board the plane , overbooked - the airline sold too many tickets; there are more passengers than seats , seatbelt - a safety device that holds passengers in their seats , flight attendant - a woman / man who takes care of passengers on the plane , takeoff - when the plane leaves the ground , lands - when the plane touches the ground , turbulance - movement in the air that causes a rough flight , window seat - a seat by the window , aisle seat - a seat by the aisle , layover - a period of waiting between flights ,
Airport vocabulary
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