bang - to strike something loudly or forcefully, buzz - the low humming sound made by flying insects., click - to make a short, sharp sound (esp. computer mouse), crash - a loud and sudden noise or a violent smashing, creak - a sharp, harsh, squeaking sound, crunch - sound of a foot crushing something hard / the act of crushing / chew noisily, drip - fall in drops, hiss - to make a long noise like the letter 's', hoot - to make a short loud high sound, hum - to sing without opening your mouth, rattle - a sound similar to a series of quickly repeated knocks, roar - a loud, deep noise, screech - to make an unpleasant, loud, high noise, slam - the noise made by the forceful impact of two objects, slurp - to eat or drink noisily, sniff - to smell something by taking air in through your nose, snore - to breathe in a very noisy way while you are sleeping, spash - a sound produced by or as if by a liquid falling, moving, being hurled,, tap - to hit something gently, and often repeatedly, especially making short, sharp noises, tick - clock or watch produce this sound, whistle - a high musical sound,

EF a 4b sounds

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