True: My brother is a good helper. He picks me up from school and walks me home., Can you help me with my homework?, Not cleaning up after yourself is unhelpful to other students in the classroom., My mom wishes I would be more helpful around the house., The teacher helps the student with the math problem., Yesterday, my brother helped me clean the dishes., He was helping his mom cook dinner when his friend called. , He wonders about planes., She lives in Prague., They read a letter to him., We run around the track., You listen to the teacher., It shines brightly in the sky., I laugh at the funny jokes., We need pencils in our classroom., She picks flowers from the garden., You kick the ball into the goal., He jumps over the puddle., It crawls across the floor., They drink some chocolate milk., I swim in the lake., She drives to her aunt’s house., False: My brother is a good helpful. He picks me up from school and walks me home., Can you helps me with my homework?, Not cleaning up after yourself is helpful to other students in the classroom., My mom wishes I would be more helpless around the house., The teacher help the student with the math problem., Yesterday, my brother help me clean the dishes., He was helped his mom cook dinner when his friend called., He wonder about planes., She live in Prague., They reads a letter to him., We runs around the track., You listens to the teacher., It shine brightly in the sky., I laughs at the fun jokes., We needs pencils in our classroom., She pick flowers from the garden., You kicks the ball into the goal., He jump over the puddle., It crawl across the floor. , They drinks some chocolate milk., I swims in the lake., She drive to her aunt's house.,
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