1) Population a) b) c) d) 2) Community a) b) c) d) 3) Ecosystem a) b) c) d) 4) Population a) One single living thing b) The community of organisms and its abiotic factors c) Several populations interacting in an area d) A group of organisms from the same species that live in a certain area 5) Community a) One single living thing b) The community of organisms and its abiotic factors c) Several populations interacting in an area d) A group of organisms from the same species that live in a certain area 6) Ecosystem a) One single living thing b) The community of organisms and its abiotic factors c) Several populations interacting in an area d) A group of organisms from the same species that live in a certain area 7) Organism a) One single living thing b) The community of organisms and its abiotic factors c) Several populations interacting in an area d) A group of organisms from the same species that live in a certain area 8) What is the correct order for levels of organization from smallest to largest? a) organism, population, community, ecosystem, biosphere b) biosphere, ecosystem, community, population, organism c) population, organism, community, biosphere, ecosystem d) organism, community, population, ecosystem, biosphere 9) Organism a) Rock b) Water c) Rabbit d) Sunlight 10) Population a) Cactus and rabbits b) Cactus, rabbits, and heat c) Sand d) a group of rabbits 11) Community a) Cactus and rabbits b) Cactus, rabbits, and heat c) Sand d) a group of rabbits 12) Ecosystem a) Cactus and rabbits b) Cactus, rabbits, and heat c) Sand d) a group of rabbits 13) Biotic Factor a) Trees b) Beehive c) Temperature d) Sunlight 14) Abiotic Factor a) Kitten b) Grass c) Heat d) Bacteria 15) The sun is biotic a) True b) False 16) An organism is more than one living thing a) False b) True 17) Community a) b) c) d) 18) Population a) b) c) d) 19) Ecosystem a) b) c) d) 20) Organism a) b) c) d) 21) A group of penguins walking together. a) Community b) Organism c) Population d) Ecosystem 22) Trees give off oxygen, which humans use to breathe. a) Community b) Organism c) Population d) Ecosystem 23) A lone wolf travels without his pack. a) Community b) Organism c) Population d) Ecosystem 24) Clown fish live in sea anemones (a plant). a) Community b) Population c) Organism d) Ecosystem
Levels of Ecological Organization
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