Conceited - Thinking that you are better than others, Nostalgic - A wish for happiness felt in the past, Indifferent - A lack of concern about a situation, Depressed - Feeling down and hopeless, Tense - Feeling nervous or scared about something (on edge), Envious - Feeling jealousy toward another person, Lethargic - Feeling no energy (tired), Embarrassed - Feeling foolish or self-conscious about something that happened, Earnest - Putting forth great effort and trying your best, Sympathetic - Feeling compassion for another person, Somber - A sad and serious feeling, Relieved - The end of a feeling of stress, Greedy - Feeling very selfish, Optimistic - The expectation of a positive outcome in a situation, Bitter - Anger felt after a disappointing or unfair experience, Lighthearted - A simple feeling of happiness, Irritated - Feeling annoyed about something, Pessimistic - The expectations of a negative outcome in a situation, Serene - A very calm and peaceful feeling, Grateful - Feeling thankful about something, Suspicious - A feeling that something is not as it appears, Ecstatic - A feeling of extreme happiness,
Tone & Mood Words ELA 7
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