The trend nowadays is towards......, Hardly a week goes by without another report of ....... appearing in the media., I am inclined to believe that ........., There is no doubt in my mind that ........., One justification often given for ............. is that ....., Those who object to ............ often argue that ................., One factor which has led to .............. is ..........., One consequence of ............. is ........, The first step to be taken would be to ........., To alleviate the situation people should ......, To begin to tackle this situation individuals need to ........, Were the government to .........., the situation would dobtless improve., The burden of responsibility lies in the hands of ........, It is vitally important that ........, It would be a grave error if we ........, I feel it must also be pointed out that......, My thoughts on the matter are that....., I am a firm beliver in ......., On the whole, I tend to agree with ........ due to the fact ......, If people stopped, we could look forward to .........., The prospects for the future will be bleak unless ........., something must be done to .........
Useful phrases for Proficiency Essay (CAE)
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