+ Pr. Continuous (Classical), + Pr. Continuous (Hiden, not obvious), - Pr. Continuous (Hiden, not obvious), ? Pr. Continuous (Classical), ? Pr. Continuous (Classical) with question tag (is he?), + Non-contin. verb, - Non-contin. verb, ? Non-contin. verb, ? Non-contin. verb with question tag (does he?), + Complaining/irritation (always/forever), - Complaining/irritation (always/forever), + Contrast (Pr Simpl but today Pr Contin), - Contrast (Pr Simpl but today Pr Contin), + Have/ has as a possession or as an action, - Have/ has as a possession or as an action, ? Have/ has as a possession or as an action, + Intentions (50% plans), - Intentions (50% plans), ? Intentions (50% plans), ? Intentions (50% plans) with question tag (is he?), + Arranged plans for people, - Arranged plans for people, ? Arranged plans for people, ? Arranged plans for people with question tag (is he?), non-standard behavior (is being), non-standard behavior (is being).

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