Body Temperature - 37oC. The temperature of all humans, Boiling Point - Temperature at which a liquid changes into a gas, Condense - Change of state from a gas to a liquid, Dissolving - A soluble solid (solute) breaking into small particles which fit in between liquid (solvent) particles., Evaporate - Change of state from a liquid to a gas., Freeze - Change of state from a liquid to a solid, Gas - State of matter in which the particles are spread out and move very fast, Insoluble - A solid which cannot dissolve, Liquid - State of matter in which the particles are touching but can move past each other allowing the liquid to flow or be poured, Melt - Change of state from a solid to a liquid, Melting Point - Temperature at which a solid changes to a liquid, Particles - Tiny parts of a material, Physical Change - Change when the material remains the same., Saturated Solution - When no more solute can dissolve in the solvent, Solid - State of matter in which particles are arranged in fixed positions, stuck together and only able to vibrate, Soluble - Solid which can dissolve, Solution - Mixture of a dissolved solute in a solvent, Solute - Solid which dissolves, Solvent - Liquid in which a solute dissolves, Sublimation - Change of state from a solid to a gas or a gas to a liquid,
Physical Changes Year 5
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