a complete sentence: The dog barks., We eat in the cafeteria. , Fireflies glow. , I will go to my friend's house tomorrow. , The fish swim upstream. , The turkey struts. , The fans rushed onto the field. , The rainbow glistens across the sky. , My team went out for pizza. , I glared at him angrily. , They left because they were tired., The kitten is purring. , Steven and Sam run and play. , The fire crackles and burns. , The Red Sox won last week. , The basketball bounced off the hoop. , Birds chirp. , Birds chirp in the trees. , The kitten is purring in my lap. , The turkey struts outside the barn., Fireflies glow in the night sky. , The little fish swims. , The dog barks at the mail carrier., I sing every day. , a fragment - NOT a Sentence: The dog. , Barking., In the morning. , At night., Down the stairs. , Because., Under the chair. , With my friends., Ran and jumped., Every Monday and Tuesday., Mrs. Barry, Ms. Knight, and Ms. Z. , All the students., Smiled happily., Ran and jumped on the playground., Around the class and across the hall., After dinner., Without any help., The Patriots., Whispered quietly., Between the chair and the desk., My parents and my sister., Pizza and fries. , Fell down. , Fell down on the dirty floor. ,
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4th Grade
5th Grade
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