arise - start to exist, induce - persuade sb to do sth, tailor-made - specially created for an individual, burst - sth breaks open very suddenly, hassle - annoy sb by causing problems, hype - a large amount of publicity given to sth, in bits - be extremely upset and sad about sth, in hand - it is being dealt with and is under control, in stitches - laugh very hard, mortified - be very upset and ashamed or embarrassed by sth, on top of things - in control of everything you are trying to do, overwhelmed - strong effect on your feelings, tread - put foot on sth while walking, beaten track - a path that leads from one place to another, embrace - accept ideas with enthusiasm, horde - a large number of people (noisy crowd), pastime - an activity done for pleasure, peckish - slightly hungry, peculiarly - especially, rear - back part of sth, swarm - a large number of people or insects, tip - the pointed end, venture - take the risk of, conquer - take control or possession of foreign land, or a group of people, by force, factor in - include or consider a particular fact when you are planning or calculating something, in keeping - continue to try to be friendly with someone, oppression - cruel and unfair treatment of people by their rulers, resolution - determination to do sth,
Unit 5 Going out, staying in
Vocabulary c1
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Bu lider panosu şu anda gizlidir. Herkese açmak için
'a tıklayın.
Bu lider panosu kaynak sahibi tarafından devre dışı bırakıldı.
Seçenekleriniz kaynak sahibinden farklı olduğu için bu lider panosu devre dışı bırakıldı.
Seçenekleri Eski Haline Döndür
açık uçlu bir şablondur. Bir lider panosu için skor oluşturmaz.
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