What will do you when you get retired?, What will you do if you pass the IELTS Exam?, Where would you live if you could live anywhere?, If your house was on fire, what personal belonging would you miss the most?, What would you do if you saw a person shoplifting?, If you had a special power, what would you be able to do?, If you had $1000 dollars to spend within an hour, how would you spend them?, If you had the chance to interview a celebrity, what questions would you make?, If you had to run away from the police, where would you hide?, If you could be a Marvel Comics super hero, who would you like to be?, If you could choose which three objects to take with you to a desert island, what would you take?, What would have been different about your life if you had grown up in another country?, What would you have chosen to study if you hadn’t chosen ___________________?.
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