captain - In football or basketball, it's the most responsible player in the team., circuit - It's a track used for Formula 1 racing or motorcycling., court - You can play tennis and basketball on this., spectators - The people who go and watch a sports event., hockey - It's a sport you can play on ice or grass., warmup - Before you do any kind of exercise, it's very important to do this., getinjured - When this happens to you, you may have to go to hospital., stadium - Camp Nou, Stadia Olimpico and Old Trafford are all famous examples of this building., draw - It's a verb which describes when two teams have the same score at the end of a match., referee - It's the person who shows a red cardin a football match., diving - It's a sport where you jump, head first,into a pool., golf - In this sport you go around a course of nine or 18 holes., workout - It's a phrasal verb means 'go to a gym and do exercise'., train - It's what professional athletes do every day., win - It's the opposite of 'lose'., players - There are 30 on the pitch in a rugby match, but only 22 in a football match., kick - It means to hit e.g. a ball with your foot., coach - It's the name of the person who gives instructions to the members of a team,but who doesn't play., fan - It's a person who supports a team., beat - Milan _______Chelsea 3-0,
English File Intermediate Unit 5A Sport
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