Plans, Intentions: I’m going to travel a lot next year., I’m going to be really busy next week, can we meet up later?, We are going to adopt a cat from animal shelter., My parents are going to visit me next weekend., Instant decisions: Are you hungry? I will make a sandwich., I will take care of the dog if you like., Do you have a minute to talk? Okay, I’ll grab some coffee., I think I’ll take this dress and these jeans, thank you., Arrangements: I'm getting married in October., He's moving to another country in the end of this year, They are meeting at 10 tomorrow in the office., He's leaving at midnight, and getting back next week., Predictions: Ukraine will win the war., Usik will win the battle., It is going to rain this evening, I saw the forecast., You'll love Kyiv when you see it., Offers, Suggestions: Shall I make you coffee?, Shall we invite your parents for a meal next week?, Shall we eat out tonight and celebrate our anniversary?, Hello, dear, Shall I cook dinner for us today?,
EF 4th edition, 1B, plans, intentions, predictions for intermediate
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