A household task you always avoid doing , Something that you fancy eating (but you have never tried it before), A game you have stopped playing because it is boring, A bad habit you can't stop doing, A place which you dream about visiting, A difficult problem which you have succeeded in solving, A sport you hate playing, Something you can't stop doing (even though it is bad for you), Some work you should do this evening, Something that you need to do tonight, A language that you would like to learn, A film you might go to see this weekend, A book you have never managed to finish reading, An activity you are good at doing, A sport you are hopeless at playing/ doing, An activity you are interested in, A change you have decided to make in your life, A game you are tired of playing, A place where you would never agree to go , Something you have given up or want to give up doing, Something you are looking forward to doing., A hobby you have thought about taking up but haven't yet, Something that a friend does that you can't imagine doing.
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