James Monroe - president during the Era of Good Feelings, Era of Good Feelings - period after War of 1812 characterized by nationalism and patriotism, American System - Clay's idea to use tariffs to pay for internal improvements and connect all parts of the country, Henry Clay - sought to resolve differences between the North and South; known as Great Compromiser, Erie Canal - man-made waterway connected Lake Erie to the Hudson River, Impact of Erie Canal - cities along the route grew and contributed to New York City becoming the largest city in the country, Gibbons vs. Ogden - only the national government controls interstate commerce, interstate commerce - trade between two or more states, Florida Purchase - territory bought from Spain for $5 million, McCulloch vs. Maryland - states can't tax the national government, Missouri Compromise - established 36'30 line and maintained balance between free and slave states, Monroe Doctrine - formal statement announcing the the Western Hemisphere was closed to further European colonization,

Monroe's Presidency

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