each - The robber held a bag with money in *** hand., every - The security system notices *** stranger who approaches the building., several - It took him *** months to prepare a perfect scam., a couple - Luckily, the police arrived in just *** of minutes after the call., few - Very *** people turned up, which was rather disappointing., little - There was too *** evidence to solve the crime quickly., a little - His first crime was when he stole *** money from the local shop where he worked., either - Did *** of the 2 criminals escape justice?, both - There were only 2 witnesses to the crime, so *** had to appear in court., neither - His parents were held hostage in a bank robbery. Luckily, *** was hurt., a large number - *** of people gathered near the crime scene., a large amount - CCTV cameras provided the police with *** of evidence, so they found the burglar easily., no - There is *** footage from security cameras, is there?, none - *** of them had an idea where to begin the investigation, so they were stuck., any - The burglar didn't expect *** difficulties with breaking the lock., most - *** of the people in the neighborhood didn't hear anything strange that night.,
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