1 lose // I _____ my mobile two weeks ago, so I'm in a mess! It had all my contacts on it. b My brother ____ his mobile about five times., have // I love your car. How long ____ you ____ it? I ____ a car for years, but then I decided It was too expensive to run., try // I ____ never ____ coffee. I don't like the smell. I got these jeans on holiday, but I ___ (not) them on and they don't fit very well, see // ____ you ever ____ that film Babette's Feast? It's on tonight. ___ you ____ the news last night? I was on it!, know // I ___ Ken for years. We're really good friends. We ___ each other at all before we started working here, but we get on great., go // Luigi ___ to the meeting, but I didn't. I ____ there, but I think Steffie has, so ask her what it's like.
Outcomes pre-inter unit 3
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