ATROPINE: Slows HR develops tachycardia due to paralysis of vagal control, Antagonizes the effects of acetylcholine and is the drug of choice for bradycardia, Side effects include tachycardia, dry mouth (dries secretions), and urinary retention, Advised to avoid high temps, void before taking the med, good oral hygiene, See opthalmologist regularly, Can lead to hyperpyrexia in elderly and children due to suppression of perspiration & heat loss, DIGOXIN: Used in patients with A. Fib and A. Flutter, Inhibits the sodium-potassium pump, Side effects include unusual tiredness, anxiety, fatigue, hallucinations, Toxicity signs include visual disturbances, N/V, arrhythmias, confusion, anorexia, Monitor Na, K, Ca, and Mg levels, Apical pulse monitored, hold med if under 60 bpm, Take with food to minimize GI upset, AMIODARONE: POTASSIUM CHANNEL BLOCKER, Vasodilating effects, antiarrhythmic. Decreases HR, and contractility , Decreases excitability of the cardiac tissue decreases BP, slows HR, Prevents the generation and conduction of electrical activity, Treats A. Fib, A. Flutter, recurrent ventricular tachycardia, Maintains NSR after conversion, Long-term use or use with CCBs or BBs can lead to arrhythmias , ADENOSINE: UNCATEGORIZED ANTIARRHYTHMIC, First line agent to terminate arrhythmias involving the AV node, Side effects include chest pain, dyspnea, headache, low BP, N/V, sweating, flushing, dizzy, sleep problems, coughing, anxiey,
Atropine, Digoxin, Adenosine, Amioradone
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