What term do we use for a process that does not need oxygen? - anaerobic, What are the reactants of Glycolysis? - glucose and 2 ATP, Why are large organisms more likely to use aerobic CR than anaerobic CR? - The larger you are the more energy you use. Aerobic respiration provides more ATP energy than Anaerobic respiration., What is another name for the Krebs cycle? - Citric Acid Cycle, What are the reactants in aerobic Cellular Respiration? - Glucose and oxygen, What are the products of Glycolysis? - 2 net ATP, 2 NADH, and 2 pyruvate, Where are the products located in a chemical equation? - on the right side of the arrow, What are NADH and FADH2? - Energy storing molecules used to make ATP, Where does the NADH and FADH2 made by glycolysis and Krebs Cycle go? - Electron Transport Chain (ETC), What are the products of the Electron Transport Chain (ETC)? - Water, heat, and 32 ATP, Where does CO2 go when it leaves the Krebs Cycle? - It leaves the mitochondria and we end up breathing some of it out., How much ATP is made by aerobic respiration from one glucose molecule? - about 36 ATP in eukaryotic cells, What process is required to start aerobic cellular respiration AND anaerobic cellular respiration? - glycolysis, What is the chemical equation for aerobic cellular respiration? - C6H12O6 + 6O2 → 6CO2 + 6H2O + 36 ATP, Where in the cell does glycolysis take place? - cytoplasm, What are the 4 products that come out of the Krebs Cycle? - 2 ATP, 4 CO2, 8 NADH, and 2 FADH2, Where does the Kreb Cycle occur? - matrix of the mitochondria, Where does the Electron Transport chain occur - inner mitochondrial membrane, Where does aerobic cellular respiration occur? - mitochondria,
Cellular Respiration Matching
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