Land in the highlands was subdivided between generations, Blight made potatoes inedible, The potato digger and self binding reaper replaced men on farms, Modern chemicals replaced the need for kelp, Colonial agents from NZ and Australia attracted Scots to migrate, New developments in industries and factories put craftspeople out of work, The invention of the steam ship reduced travel time and costs, Prisoners were forced to go to Australia to serve their sentence, Gold was discovered in Australia, especially Victoria, Families and friends sent letters encouraging people to migrate, Scots were very religious and wished to spread their faith, Highland landlords pushed off tenants for more profitable sheep, The Empire Act gave £3 million to help people migrate, The Highlands and Islands emigration society helped Scots resettle in Australia, The Canadian pacific railroad company advertised for Scots to come over, Higher wages in the cities and abroad, Improved social life in cities, football, dance halls, music halls, cinemas, Scots had skills like engineering and farming and were in demand.
Higher History Reasons for Migration
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