Preventing Fires: Store oils away from the stove, Wear short or close-fitting sleeves while cooking, Keep towels, pot holders, paper towels, and other flammable materials away from the stove and oven, Clean up grease build-up from the stove, oven and the exhaust fan regularly, Avoid leaving the kitchen while cooking, Preventing Falls: Clean up spills immediately with paper towels. , Keep cupboard doors and drawers closed or shut when they are not in use. , Use a ladder/stool to retrieve high or hard-to-reach objects. , Preventing Burns: Turn the handles of cookware inward on a range., Open lids, like a shield, away from your body to avoid steam burns., Pull out the oven rack first when removing hot cookware from the oven., Use thick, dry potholders when handling hot pans., Preventing Cuts: A sharp knife is safer than a dull knife. , Cut food away from your body., Never use a knife to open cans or pry lids., Wash knives and other sharp objects separately from other utensils., When cleaning up broken glass, sweep into a dustpan immediately, Wipe the area with several layers of damp paper towel & carefully dispose.,
Kitchen Safety
FACS-Family and Consumer Science
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