GP - general practioner, family doctor, feel yourself under the weather - not feeling very well, life-threatening - something very serious that could kill you, mouth ulcer - a small blister in the mouth that can be very painful, but is not serious, alternative remedies - ways of curing illnesses that are not traditional medicine, e.g., herbal medicine, cancer - a serious illness in which malignant cells form in the body and kill normal body cells, infection - an illness that is caused by bacteria or a virus, heart rate - the speed at which your heart beats, surgery - the medical treatment of an illness or injury that involves an operation, pulse - the number of times your heart beats in a minute, tumor - a group of cells that are growing in a place where they should not be, miracle cures - successful treatments for illnesses that were thought to be impossible to cure, swap symptoms - tell each other stories or give each other your opinions, It's exhausting - tiring, hard for a person, reveal another problem - to make people aware of it, be thrown up - it is built or made very quickly, usually so that it is not of very good quality,
AEF 4L_Unit 2A_Doctors_StBp16-17
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