affectionate - people who show that they love or like other peoplevery much, selfish - people think about themselves and not about other people, mature - people behave like adults, sensible - have a common sense and practical, bossy - people like telling other people what to do , insecure - people are not confident about themselves, sensitive - people can be easily hurt or offended, stubborn - people never change their opiniion, rebellious - people don't like obeying rules , moody - people have moods that change quickly and often, aggressive - person gets angry quickly and likes fighting and arguing., ambitious - person wants to be successful in life., anxious - people are often worried or stressed., charming - people have an attractive personality and make people like them., competitive - person always wants to win, independent - people Iike doing things on their own,without help., jealous - person thinks that someone loves another person more than them, or wants what other people have., reliable - person is someone who you can trust or depend on., spoilt - children behave badly because they are given everything they want., sociable - person is friendly and enjoys being with other people., outgoing - person who likes being with other people and agree to have fun easily, dishonest - person who tells lies, confident - person who believes in himself, generous - person who likes giving people more than getting from them, mean - evil person; person who doesn't want to share, shy - it is difficult for this person to meet new people, talkative - person who likes talking a lot, immature - person who behaves loke a child,
English File Intermediate 1B Personality
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