an agreement that allows you to borrow money from a bank or similar organization, especially in order to buy a house, or the amount of money itself - mortgage, to receive money, a house, etc. from someone after they have died - inherit, to run out of money completely - to be broke, to cost, to have the price / value - to be worth, when you are not able to buy something, you ____ ______ it - can't afford, to use someone or something to provide the money or food that you need - live off, to spend less, do less, or use less of something - cut back, an amount of money that is borrowed, often from a bank, and has to be paid back, usually together with an extra amount of money that you have to pay as a charge for borrowing - loan, something such as a piece of paper or message proving that money, goods, or information have been received - receipt, acquire great wealth by one's own efforts - to make a fortune, to give money or goods to help a person or organization - to donate, to spend a lot of money on buying things, especially things that are pleasant to have but that you do not need - to splash out, if money ____ down the _____, it is being wasted (idiom) - go down the drain, something on sale at a lower price than its true value - bargain, to give some money when several people are giving money to pay for something together - to chip in,
Money vocabulary blitz quiz (ЕГЭ)
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