Photograph - A real picture, Table of Contents - List of the sections in the book with corresponding page numbers, Index - A keyword list of topics found in the back of a book with corresponding page numbers, Glossary - Like a dictionary at the back of the book, Caption - Information under a photograph that tells more information about the picture, Heading - A word or phrase found at the top of a section of text, Keywords - Important words that are bold, italics, or in color, Illustration - A drawing, Diagram - Shows the parts of an object and shows how something works in a visual way, map - representation of an area or land., Subheading - Titles that are below the heading and "chunks" the text into subsections, Labels - Gives the reader information by naming the part of the diagram, Charts and graphs - Visual representations of data that compares information, Timeline - Tells important events that happened in order, Fact boxes or Sidebars - Shorter pieces of text that accompany a longer text , Bullet points - Listed items, examples, or ideas that are set off by symbols, Quotations - Shares the exact words from a speaker on the topic of the text,
7th Grade Nonfiction Text /Graphic Features
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