alopecia - abnormal hair loss, alopecia areata - autoimmune disorder that causes the affected hair follicles to be mistakenly attacked by a person's own immune system, alopecia totalis - total loss of scalp hair, alopecia universalis - complete loss of body hair, androgenic alopecia - hair loss characterized by miniaturization of terminal hair that is converted to vellus hair; in men, it is known as male pattern baldness, canities - technical term for gray hair; results from the loss of the hair's natural melanin pigment, catagen phase - brief transition period between the growth and resting phases of a hair follicle; signals the end of the growth phase, fragilitas crinium - technical term for brittle hair, hypertrichosis - condition of abnormal growth of hair; characterized by the growth of terminal hair in areas of the body that normally grow only vellus hair, malassezia - naturally occuring fungus that is present on all human skin, but is responsible for dandruff when it grows out of control, monilethrix - technical term for beaded hair, pityriasis - technical term for dandruff; characterized by excessive production and accumulation of skin cells, pityriasis capitis simplex - technical term for classic dandruff; characterized by scalp irritation, large flakes, and itchy scalp, postpartum alopecia - temporary hair loss experienced towards the end and after pregnancy, ringed hair - variety of canities characterized by alternating bands of gray and pigmented hair throughout the length of the hair strand, trichoptilosis - technical term for split ends, trichorrhexis nodosa - technical term for knotted hair; characterized by brittleness and the formation of nodular swellings along the hair shaft,
Cosmetology Chapter 11 - Vocab 3
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