abusive - using violent/cruel words or actions against a pesron or animal., advocate - someone who publicly supports a person or cause ., dignity - the state of knowing you deserve respect, illiteracy - the inability to read or write, rights - things that you can have or do to meet basic needs, tolerance - the ability to respect other people's beliefs or opinions without criticizing or judging, activism - the policy or action of using vigorous campaigning to bring about political or social change., forbid - to refuse to allow, distribute - to give items to other people, opposition - a feeling of strong disagreement, earn - to receive money for a job you do., associated - to be connected to a person or thing, organization - a group that is formed for a specific purpose., appear - to be seen or start to exist, announce - to share information with other people, achieve - to successfully do something, potential - an ability to do something that might be seen in the future , charity - An organization that works to provide money, medicine, other aid to benefit people in need, donor - a person or a group who helps by giving money, supplies, or other things to people who are in need, activist - someone who works hard to bring about change in support of a cause they believe in, motivation - the reason why a person wants to do something or pursue a goal,
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