In what way is your world diverse?, A time you shared an unpopular idea, What were your parents’ attitudes towards LGBT communities?, A time you felt like an outsider, Share a situation when you were in the minority, What are the benefits of diversity?, How do people learn bias and stereotypes?, Describe an important aspect of your identity, Describe a time you witnessed bias or discrimination, Where do you see prejudice?, Describe a time you experienced prejudice, When did you first become aware of racial/ethnic differences?, What would make your community more inclusive?, How do your thoughts about diversity differ from your parents’?, Describe an instance when someone went out of their way to make you feel included, How do you respond to jokes that are demeaning or derogatory?, A time you went out of your way to make someone feel included?, Describe a time you felt lonely in a big group of people, What early messages did you receive about your identity?, Why do people tend to seek friends who are similar to them?, How might you personally combat prejudice and discrimination?, When did you first learn about bias or hate in the world?, In what ways can we support people with physical disabilities?, Describe the messages you received about race when you were growing up?, What gives you hope that people are becoming more accepting of diversity?, What are some effective ways to address bias in ourselves and others?, What gender roles did you learn about when growing up?, How do gender norms impact people’s opportunities?, Share 1-2 examples of prejudice or discrimination based on age, How can your community promote acceptance of differences?, What’s our biggest challenge when it comes to achieving social equality?.
Diversity Ball
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