Humid weather is very uncomfortable., There was a bit of sunshine between the showers., Do you like watching the lightning when it's stormy?, The air in the Sahara Desert is dry and it's very hot at midday., Showers usually last a few minutes., In cold, wet weather, your clothes feel damp., By the sea you get a nice breeze. , The rain's getting a little heavier., The cold rain was spitting on and off., There's gonna be a few rainshowers today., It's really coming down out there., The sky has opened., The rain let up., I think the rain is going to let up later today., It's so windy that I needed to get out of the wind., I don't expect there to be any wind damage., The wind is blowing at about 30 or 40 km per hour right now., Sometimes the wind is so strong and you can hear the wind whistling., Right now in Ahvaz we are in the middle of a heat wave., The sun is kind of beating down on me right now., I'm working in the heat of the day on the farm., It's a real scorcher today. the sun is very intense., It's so hot and you could fry an egg on the sidewalk., We had a heat wave last week and I came in and I was sweating buckets., Outside in the dark snow was falling silently.,
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