Panic Disorder: Disturbed behavior - the client is running, screaming, and impulsive, 15-30 minutes of 4 or more s/sx (palpitations, SOB, Angina, Nausea/choking, Depersonalization, fear of dying, chills / hot flashes), The client may experience behavior changes or persistent worry about when the next attack will occur, s/sx may feel like an acute medical condition, like a PE, MI, hypoxia, OCD: Thoughts, impulses or images that persist and recur that lead client to perform ritualistic behaviors to try to reduce anxiety, take more than 1 hour per day, can cause the client's social and occupational (job) disfunction , Risk factors include abuse, trauma and post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis (PSGN), Often have comorbidity with anxiety disorders, eating disorders, and/ or tic disorders, Separation Anxiety: The client may feel s/sx just thinking about leaving a comfort person, Generalized Anxiety: Uncontrollable, excessive worry for at least 6 months with restlessness, muscle tension, avoidance, increased time/effort in event prep, procrastination, sleep disturbances, Hoarding Disorder: The client has a difficult time parting with possessions, often have an unsafe living environment, The disorder occurs more often in males , Body Dysmorphic Disorder: The client is preoccupied with perceived flaws and takes time / repetitive practices to respond to anxiety, Not an eating disorder - spends an abnormal amount of time thinking about the perceived defect in physical appearance,
Week 3 - Anxiety and Related Disorders
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