so - I would like to see you tomorrow, _______________ let’s have lunch together., On the other hand - My sister loves to eat. _______________ I don’t care much about food., for example - When you begin an exercise program, you must be careful not to overdo it. My father, _______________, hurt his back by exercising too hard without warming up first., finally - After she had looked everywhere for a job, she _______________ was called for an interview., Therefore - She had been studying for hours. _______________, she hoped to do well on the test., Then - First, Mary went to the store. _______________, she went to visit her mother., however - I would like to read many books; _______________, I don’t seem to have enough time to read., yet - John ate and ate, _______________ he never gained weight., For instance - There are several bad eating habits. ____________, eating too fast can give you indigestion., consequently - He stayed up too late last night; _______________, he slept until noon.,
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