What is Grooming Meating? Who explains US?, Why Fibonacci numeric system in used in US?, How long does 1 sprint last?, Where are all US stored in Jira app?, If some of US were not finished in first sprint , what happned to them? , Who creates Spring Backlog?, What is Spring Planning?, Who calculates team capacity? , How team capacity is calculated ? , Who moves US from PS to SB? And based on what they move them? , What is DOR?, Name all Scrum Meetings?, What is Daily Stand-Up Meeting? Who attends? , What is Impredicment/Blockers? Give1-2 examples, What is Demo Meeting? Who attends? , Who accepts or reject US in Demo Meeting? , What is DOD? Give an example, What is Retro Meeting? Who attends and host the meeting?, Can you tell me how did you implemented the Agile-Scrum in your team?.
Scrum Meetings
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