Pax Romana - I am the Latin term for 200 years of peace., Queen Cleopatra - Julius Caesar fell in love with me, the queen of Egypt., republic - I am the form of government the Romans had after the people overthrew the Etruscans that allowed people to vote., Punic Wars - I am the name of a series of battles between Rome and Carthage., Augustus Caesar - I was the first emperor of Rome and was Julius Caesar's adopted son., aqueduct - I am a structure that brings water down from the mountains and into the city., BC - I am the term that refers to events that took place "Before Christ.", Nero - According to the legend, I was the emperor who "fiddled while Rome burned.", Constantine, the Great - I made a law against persecuting Christians in the Roman empire., Greeks - Many of the Roman myths and gods and goddesses are similar to those in my ancient civilization., Justinian - I was a Byzantine Emperor who tried to reconquer areas of the Western Empire., Romulus and Remus - I am the legend of how Rome got its start., civilization - I am a group of people living together with the same laws, leaders and a form of government., plebians - I was the largest group of Roman people (merchants, farmers, and shop keepers.), patricians - I am the wealthy, rich people that usually had slaves., slaves - I was once free, but was taken prisoner after losing a battle.,
Roman Empire Review Unit 4 3rd Grade CKLA
3rd Grade
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