1) among other countries in the world a) interstate b) intravenous c) international d) interfere 2) the break between acts in a play a) intermission b) interstate c) interfere d) intermediate 3) to interrupt a) interject b) interactive c) intrapersonal d) intermediate 4) in one's mind a) intrapersonal b) intrastate c) interactive d) interfere 5) involving others playing a) interactive b) intermission c) interject d) interstate 6) to take part in an activity without being asked a) interfere b) intermission c) intermediate d) interject 7) among other states a) intrastate b) interstate c) intravenous d) interject 8) middle of, halfway between two things a) intermediate b) intermission c) interactive d) international 9) within one state a) intrastate b) intravenous c) interstate d) intrapersonal 10) within the veins a) intravenous b) intrastate c) interject d) interactive



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