does everything they can to get what they want from other people - pushy, it looks cheap or badly made, and shows poor taste full of praise - tacky, not very great, big or expensive - modest, full of praise - glowing, shocking - outrageous, die-hard - such person opposes change and refuses to accept new ideas, thinking or worrying about something all the time, so that you do not think about other things enough - obsessive, not showing much interest or excitement - lukewarm, expressing praise, pleasure etc. in a way that other people think is too strong - gushing, is based on knowledge of a subject or situation - informed, too small and is much less than you need - meagre, not very large or very small, not very fast or very slow etc. - moderate, very great or impressive - phenomenal, showing in the way that you behave or speak that you are the person in control and that you are not likely to change your answer, belief etc. - firm, loving someone very much, and show this by your actions - doting, giving help or encouragement, especially to someone who is in a difficult situation - supportive, is not strong or well-made, and will break easily - flimsy, staying in good condition for a long time, even if used a lot - durable, is full of the natural substances that your body needs - nutritious, small enough to put into your mouth to eat - bite-size, food has substances added to it before it is sold, in order to preserve it, improve its colour etc. - processed, used to describe strong feelings that you cannot control - blind, a very great desire to do or achieve something - driving,
Roadmap C1-C2 1C adjectives
Roadmap C1-C2
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