technology - use of new knowledge to make new machines, pioneers - the first people to settle an area, territory - new parts of the land, beyond - on the far side, past, Great Plains - a region in the middle of the US, from the Mississippi River to the Rocky Mountains, steamboat - ships powered by steam engines, ports - deep water near land where ships can load and unload goods, mule - animal like a horse that can pull or carry things, canal - a human-made waterway between two bodies of water, trade - exchange, the business of buying and selling goods, goods - things for sale, illegal - against the law, labor - workers, work people do, sectionalism - caring more about your part of the country than the whole country, debate - formal discussion about two sides of an idea, balance - make both sides equal, compromise - settle a disagreement by each side giving and getting what it wants, Union - The United States, later to refer to the North during the Civil War,
Access American History, Ch 8
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