cake makeup / pancake makeup - heavy-coverage makeup pressed into a compact and applied to the face with a moistened cosmetic sponge, contour - an application technique that creates a shadow over an area, minimizing features, cool colors - colors that suggest coolness and are dominated by blues, greens, violets, and blue-reds, eye makeup removers - special preparations for removing eye makeup, eyebrow powders - used to add color and shape to the eyebrows, eyelash adhesive - product used to make artificial eyelashes adhere, or stick, to the natural lash line, ferrule - the metal part of the brush that attaches the glued bristles to the handle and adds a certain amount of strength to the bristles, greasepaint - heavy makeup used for theatrical purposes, highlight - an application technique that draws light to an area, emphasizing features, individual lashes - separate artificial eyelashes that are applied to the base of the eyelashes one at a time, line of demarcation - an obvious line where foundation begins or ends, strip lashes - eyelash hairs attached to a band that is applied with adhesive to the natural lash line, warm colors - range of colors from yellow and gold through oranges, red-oranges, most reds, and even some yellow-greens,
Cosmetology Chapter 24 - Vocab 2
11th Grade
12th Grade
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