law of blood - way someone is natural born citizen because their parents are citizens, law of soil - way that someone is natural born citizen because they were born on American soil, naturalization - process by which someone can become a citizen, obligation - something that citizens are required to do, responsibility - something that citizens should do because it benefits the Common Good, but they do not have to, paytaxes - obligation of citizenship that is used to cover the costs of government services like roads, schools, and military, obeylaws - obligation of citizenship that keeps our country safe and orderly, selectiveservice - obligation of citizenship that has male citizens register for a military draft, eighteen - minimum age of selective service (max age is 25), juryduty - obligation of citizenship where citizens are summoned to court to decide on an accused person's innocence, vote - responsibility of citizenship by which citizens exercise their power over the government, runforoffice - responsibility of a citizen to represent their community and ideals as government official, publicmeetings - responsibility of a citizen to hear/voice the problems in their community and be a part of the solution, petition - responsibility of a citizen to try to cause change by contacting their representative (email, letters, signatures), stayinformed - responsibility of citizens to know what is happening in the world, so they know how they should vote,
Citizenship Crossword
7th Grade
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