know - I ..... your name., no - ..... we do not want to go to the cinema., now - Can we go to the beach ........ ?, their - My friends cannot find ....... jackets., there - Do you live over ........ ?, they're - Carter said ........ coming over tonight., weather - The ....... has been really damp this week., whether - He doesn't know ....... to go today or not., read - It is a pleasure to hear someone ...... aloud., red - Bulls are attracted to the colour ..... ., where - ....... did you put my glasses?, wear - Please will you ..... your coat as it is cold outside., to - She was late arriving ..... meet me., two - There is only room for ..... people in my car., too - Do not make .... much noise., knew - I ..... the answer to the question., new - My ...... shoes pinched my feet., you're - I don't think ..... listening to me., your - Is this ...... coat?, week - Monday is the beginning of the ...... ., weak - After being ill, I still feel ..... ., quiet - When no-one talks, it is very ...... ., quite - When the temperature drops, it feels ...... cold., sea - The ..... can look calm in summer., see - The doctor will ..... you in ten minutes., witch - The ....... has a wart on the end of her nose., which - Please help me choose ..... job is best for me., here - Please come and sit ..... ., hear - Your music is so loud I can .... it too., would - I ...... love to meet your best friend.,
Match up homophones
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