Frail - lacking strength; to break easily, Civilizations - An advanced society with a government and a culture, Vital - Needed for survival, Consequence - A result of something, Mood - The emotions a reader feels as a result of reading a story; feeling, Theme - The main topic or message of a story, Perspective - The way you look at something or think about something, Extreme - The greatest amount of something; the highest degree, Solitary - To be all alone, Exposed - Something is fully seen; uncovered, Spectacular - A sight that is amazing, Shelter - A place away from danger or weather, Scarcely - Not a lot of something, Eruption - When something blows up, Survival - To live (when faced with life threatening situations), Wilderness - Rugged land; a place with no people, Challenges - Something very difficult to do, Overcome - To succeed in a difficult situation, Effortlessly - To do something easily, Disappointment - The feeling of being let down; expectations are not met, Breakthrough - An event or discovery that brings success, Setback - An event or discovery that puts you further AWAY from your goal, Emerged - To come out of something or someplace, Resilience - Ability to keep going in a difficult situation; perseverance,
Module 2: Extreme Settings - Vocabulary
4th Grade
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